Sabah Snake Grass 优遁草 Clinathanus Daun Belalai Gajah Gendis

Posted on 14 August 2011. Filed under: Agro Biz, AROUND SABAH, peluang perniagaan, Pendapatan Aktif, Perladangan, PERTANIAN | Tags: , , , , |

Sabah Snake Grass 优遁草 Clinathanus Daun Belalai Gajah GendisSabah Snake Grass 优遁草 Clinathanus Daun Belalai Gajah Gendis Natural Cancer Cure Herbs as reported by Malaysia local newspaper. We believed this herbs will be a good add in our Healing Methodology together with our many natural herbs extracts and substances use in Religion Alliances of Health and Healing arsenal. We also found a possible way for anyone wishes to keep these Sabah Snake Grass, 优遁草, Clinathanus, Daun Belalai Gajah, Gendis extracts for conveniences used rather than the former guides given in the below article we found and post into this threads for our readers. Our extracting guides will be to take its freshly picked leaves enough to fill into the bottle of which we will add in Raw Vinegars that contains “mother of vinegar” for extracting the herbs essentials. The soaking period should be not less than 45 days in cold dark place. Please Note: This methods had not been tried by anyone for urgent needs as far as our knowledge is concern, We highly recommend this method only when the patients are in stable conditions or is in using our very own methods and guides for their healing periods. With this methods, the patients will be able to consume it easily and does not need to keep finding the fresh leaves of which we believed it is quite a hassle works and the supplier may be short of supply or delayed in the delivery. With this methods in hand.. personal planting of this Herbs may seems to give enough supply for own family members to used as well. This methods also good for those wishes to mix with another known Cancer cure Herbs that has been reported great for cancer. The Herbs are “Graviola Stem and Leaves, Daun dan Pucuk Pokok Durian Belanda”. It is reported to have been into the research by pharmaceutical to take its extracts but they failed to do so and they abandon this projects because there will be no profits for them when no patents rights can be obtained. Below article obtained report from unknown sources “We publish it as what we found and do not take responsibility from the readers actions to believed and follow the article guides in hope for healing diseases” ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good News!!! Recently, I met a man who had Lymphatic Cancer – Stage 4 with 123 lymph nodes affected. His cancer started in March 2008. Affected parts: 1st: Right lung, 2nd: Left lung, 3rd: Groin, 4th: Eye and 5th Mouth. After 9 chemo therapies he stopped the treatment on 10/11/2008 because 5 specialists said he can only survive for 3 months. Today, after more than 2 years, he has recovered and is still living. Thanks to the Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus) which he planted outside his house. He blended the leaves with green apple (minus skin and seeds) and drank them after breakfast everyday. After 3 days, 6 tumours disappeared. After 13 days, he went for a blood test.The oncologist said that he was 96% cured. So far more than 1,000 people who had taken the herbs showed improvement. Case 1) Man – age 54 Lung Cancer: 3rd stage. Chemothrapy 6 times Tumour before taking Sabah Snake Grass 29mm, 44mm, 76mm Tumour two weeks after taking Sabah Snake Grass reduced to 20mm, 27mm, 67mm respectively Case 2) Woman Uterus cancer – tumour size 6cm Scheduled for surgery. After taking SSG, reduced to 3.5cm. Doctor said no need to operate Continue taking the SSG, the tumour disappeared. Case 3) Man Prostate Cancer After taking SSG for 11 days, the tumour disappeared. Case 4) Woman from KL Breast and Lung Cancer Both breasts removed – 4 stage. Very weak, cannot eat, on drip and lying in hospital. Family member poured SSG juice into her mouth through tube. After a few days, could eat and was discharged. 28 days later was all tumours disappeared. Case 5) Woman from Taiping Breast Cancer After taking SSG for 3 days, the wound dried up. Case 6) Leukemia Patients So far 4 cases have been cured after drinking SSG juice.They also drank juice from 3 leaves of Guo Sai Por (Ti Tham Tou) once per week. Case 7) Dialysis Patients After taking SSG for 10 days, stopped going for dialysis treatment Case Patients with High Cholesterol, High Blood, High Uric Acid and Diabetes After taking SSG, the conditions improved. The Sabah Snake Grass Plant Its scientific name is Clinacanthus nutans also known as – 沙巴蛇草 – Sha Ba She Cao, 鰐嘴花 – E zui hua, 憂遁草 – You Dun Cao in Mandarin or Belalai Gajah or Tarum Siam in Malay or Dandang Gendis in Indonesia. Number of leaves used for treatment for Cancer everyday: Stage 1 : 30 leaves Stage 2 : 50 leaves Stage 3 : 100 leaves (either together or seperately 50 + 50 twice a day) Stage 4 : 150 – 200 leaves (divide them and take twice a day) You can either chew or blend the leaves. When the patient gets better, reduce the number of leaves. Direction for juicing SSG a) Pour half cup of clean water in a blender b) Add 1 or 2 ice cubes to prevent heating during blending c) Add 1 quarter of lemon or half a lime juice (provide Vitamin C and prevent oxidization ) d) Wash the required fresh SSG leaves and put them into the blender e) Peel a green apple and remove the core/seeds f ) Cut the apple into 8 pieces g) Put in the pieces of apple and blend h) Sip a mouthful and swish it to mix with the saliva for better digestion to prevent “wind i) Drink with the fibre within 5 minutes. j) Drink it in the morning or afternoon 45 minutes before breakfast or 2 hours after lunch. j) If “cooling” add a slice of ginger or drink warming herbal tea (red dates, wolfberries, dried longans, lotus seeds and a few slices of ginger which is boiled together and let it simmer for at least 1 hour) later in the day. Food to avoid : Sugar and products made with sugar, honey, kembong fish, ray fish, 7 angled-fish, chicken meat, duck meat, yam, glutenous rice, margarine, durians, bird nest, ginseng and other rejuvenating herbs. Anti-Cancer Compounds Besides SSG, papaya, apricot seeds, lemon grass and many types of fresh, vegetables, fruit and herbs are anti-cancer compounds. I believe all chronic diseases can be cured with the combination of detoxification, maintaing blood Ph 7.35-7.4, increasing body oxygen, eating or drinking juices from fresh, raw fruits, vegetables and herbs, a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits. The news was published on 5/4/2011 & 6/4/2011 @ Guang Ming Daily. The plant is available at Penang Snake Temple, Ayer Item Market, BM Desa Rambai Market etc. More details pls refer to the newspaper. Big Cultivator in Malaysia Herbal cancer treatment : Traditional uses of SSG Sabah Snake Grass has traditionally been used for the following health problems: • Sore throat • Uric acid • Gout • Uterine fibroid • Kidney problems • Prostate inflammation • Skin problems like eczema, shingles, and psoriasis Others with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high uric acid and diabetes have also benefited from Sabah Snake Grass. More uses of Sabah Snake Grass include anemia,lower cholesterol,liver disease,hepatitis B,Juandice,kidney disease,diuresis,bone fracture,painkiller,infection,pms,cut,stomach pain,food poisoning,blood cleanser,sprain injury,clear heat,poisonous snake bite,scorpion string,nettle rash,detoxification,diabetes,bruise,diuresis,kill germs,fever,rheumatism,haematoma, contusion, dysentery,dysuria(painful or diffcult urination)Also effective for deep tissue abscess. Why this herbs are so unique? This herbs was believed to be used traditionally for healing a snake bites and/or any poisons bites from bugs or poison plants. Although we did not found any report on this, but by it plant name, it should be a herbs that heals out toxicity. Cancer do have high possibility that our body detect some level of toxicity exist that brings our immune system to form a tumor to prevent the toxic from spreading it. This is also a reason why most surgical will have a high chances of cancer spreading because we cut the shield form by our body. Tumor is form when our body does not have a right solutions to heals it out or lack in healing stuff to clear the toxicity within our body. Sabah Snake Grass is a well known anti-snake venom amongst the traditional healers of Thailand. The mechanism of action of this plant is believed to be attributed to its anti-cell lysis property rather than as an anti-neuromuscular transmission blocker. They also use the plant to treat scorpion bites and nettle rash. In China the whole plant is used in various manner to treat inflammatory conditions like haematoma, contusion, strains and sprains of injuries and rheumatism. Gastrointestinal Diseases Indonesian and Thai traditional healers make use of Sabah Snake Grass to treat dysentery. The Indonesians take a handful of the the fresh leaves, boiled them in 5 glasses of water until the water level recedes to about 3 glasses and the decoction is given in a dose of 1 glass each time. Other uses In Indonesia the plant is used to treat diabetes by boiling 7 – 21 fresh leaves in 2 glasses of water until the water level recedes to 1 glass and this is given twice daily. Dysuria is treated by taking 15 g of fresh leaves and boiling them for 15 minutes. The decoction is consumed once daily. Thai traditional healers make use of the plant to treat fever. Chinese healers on the other hand consider the plant as effective in regulating menstrual function, relieving pain, anaemia, jaundice and setting of fractured bones. We would also advice anyone outside Malaysia to check with their customs regulations about the possibility to get the Fresh Sabah Snake Grass soaking in Raw Vinegars is allow to pass through one Country Customs Point or not… before placing your order with us. We cannot take any responsibility on the Country Custom Rejections of getting Sabah Snake Grass soak in raw Vinegars. So please check and confirm so that we know which country can received it. Currently this Sabah Snake Grass is on short supply by even the big cultivators.. so we seen our methods will be a more suitable to cater to more people in needs and less disappointment…. Base on our current understanding, once the leafs is harvest.. it need about two months to regrow into harvesting conditions… if this the case… not everyone will get a consistent supply for its leafs.. But if using our Raw Vinegars methods…. one plants can cater to one family for sure… We estimated one plants leafs could be enough for consumption for more than two months for the plants to reach the harvesting periods again. Off course we have no proof on its effective conditions yet but at least many will get the opportunity to get the grass to be used for a longer periods without too much worry on the supply. But base on understanding nature of vinegars…. it does should be work well for extracting plants nutrients….

Sabah Snake Grass 优遁草 Clinathanus Daun Belalai Gajah Gendis

P/S: Untuk menanan pokok ni sangat mudah , hanya dengan memotong tangkai pokoknya dan cucukkan ditanah, dia akan tumbuh. Batang pokok ni lembut kerna ianya sejenis herba. Cara terbaik penggunaan SSG ini bagi penyakit Kanser: • 50 helai daun SSG • 7 helai daun Jarum Tujuh Bilah • Sebiji epal hijau • Jus daripada 1/2 biji lemon (Semua bahan – bahan di atas digaul dan di kisar) dan menjadi minuman… pembekal pokok belalai gajah dan 7 jarum di sabah hp 0162336604 (belum coba lagi ni) mungkin juga suatu masa kelak jika saya telah menanam herba ini .. anda semua bole berurusan dengan saya 😉

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4 Responses to “Sabah Snake Grass 优遁草 Clinathanus Daun Belalai Gajah Gendis”

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How to grow, where to get them ?

I’ve heard about the grass and a friend of mine has been taking it for many years. It was very effective from him. He’s been having constant supply from a lady. If you need, you may call Angela @ 010 515 3186 or email her at Apparently she can provide weekly supply and delivered to door step.

Call 0122168312 or email to buy your SSG. TQ.

I have been taking this SSG tea and it helps to reduce my uric acid level. Recently, a colleague of mine told me his dad has experience great improvement on his high blood pressure after taking SSG tea.

I start recommending to friends with cholesterol, diabetic and skin problems. Most of them do experience improvements in many ways. I have also seen people around me with cancer benefited from this plant.

I have been buying from fresh leaves and tea bags from Will 010 525 7782. I think his products are mostly available at organic shops. You may check them out at Delivery to worldwide should not be a problem.

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